Monday, February 1, 2010

Aubrey Grace Keim has arrived!!!!

Aubrey Grace Keim
January 30, 2010
6 pounds 7 ounces
19 inches

Friday, October 23, 2009

One more year closer to her drivers license...

Macey turned 11 years old on September 24th....Can someone please tell me how this happened so quickly? I of course had to torture her with stories about the day she was born...that is required that all mom's do that to their kids, right? Along with kissing them in front of their friends. Macey just LOVES when I do that! HA HA!

Happy Birthday Macey!!! You are a wonderful blessing from God and we are so happy you are our daughter!!! We love you! xoxoxo

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Time flies...

Okay, I seem to post more on my facebook page than I do on this blog!!! I just looked and it has been 2 1/2 months since I posted anything!!! Where does the time go?? It has been a pretty crazy 2 1/2 months though...In July we found out that I am pregnant! The baby is due to arrive around the end of February. And Macey turns 11 two weeks from tomorrow. WOW. A newborn and a daughter with one step into teenage-hood. I think I might be losing my mind!!! HA HA HA We really are all very excited. It has been fun getting the house ready and looking at what is out there for babies now-a-days. I can't believe how much is different from when Macey was a baby! Parenting will be EASY this time around! (See...I told you I was losing my mind...) I am going to try and be better about updating this blog...but always feel free to friend me on facebook :) Here is a pic of me at 16 weeks...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer days in Paris

Macey and Bill took off on Monday for a week in Paris! They are enjoying some father/daughter bonding time. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Macey's 5k

Macey did such a fabulous job! We are soooo proud of her! She ran her first 5k in 33:09....pretty imprssive! She had a ball...

Friday, May 8, 2009

No more white walls!!

Yippee!!!! We got the foyer, gameroom and hallways painted....finally. It is amazing how a little color can make a home so much more cozy. Now it is on to our master bedroom!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

I don't think so...

I am not sure if you are like me, but I take the same route to work every morning. I have come to recognize different cars that are going the same way. There is one car in particular that causes me to laugh every time I see it. It is a Mini with dark tinted windows. And on those tinted windows there is an advertisement for laser hair removal. You will never guess what the phone number to call is... 713-R U HAIRY. I am dead serious.

I am sorry....but you could not pay me enough to drive around with that on my back window! HA!